I mean it's an entire form of porn that I had never even considered. Of course it's a thing though. Why didn't I think it was a thing? Well I have to try it out.
I need to investigate where to find this pleasure audio first. (Seriously, how did I not know audio porn was a thing?). So to the internet I go, unfortunately this isn't really something appropriate to listen to with my kids around… now I wait.
Oh my goodness guys… can I just tell you, I listened to one last night after the kids went to bed and holy shit. That guy massaged me with that sloppy oil (in my mind) to completion.
So essentially it's either a male, or female or group of men and women describing a pornographic scene in detail and you are immersed in the story right with right along with it. It can range from flirtatious to down right raunchy. And it can range from on average 6-12 minutes (give or take).
A "(s)tudy found that 90% of women use their imaginations to get turned on"
Demi Moore Podcast Audio Erotica Trend and so, it appeals more to women as men tend to be more visual. Not to say it can't be enjoyed by men also.
Now for the fun stuff… where to access it. You can always go to porn hub, where it's free and ALL are welcome but it's limited in selection.
There are also options available that you can subscribe to:
Both options have reasonable pricing if you're wanting to pay for quality porn (which I do not).
And soon to be on this blog, well I'm going to try it out by finishing my porn story. Look for my part 2 of The Time I Cheated on my Husband (audio version).