It happens almost every night. I'm laying down in bed, close my eyes and I hear deep rumble of my partner's snores beside me. He falls asleep almost immediately while I just lay in bed tossing and turning trying to fall asleep and avoid the deep call inside me to turn on social media or scroll videos until I feel my eyelids grow heavy.
That was me a few years ago… before I discovered that my sleeping partner just lays blissfully sleeping beside me while I quietly touch myself.
I have discovered that many women and men do it, and it's happening with more and more frequency. But what's the science behind it? I don't know. So… I decided to do some googling and you'd be surprised what I found.
I learned that Oxytocin and serotonin make you feel euphoric and relaxed and inhibit cortisol, the hormone that makes you feel stressed, and that if you masturbate and orgasm, you’re effectively boosting that process.
So, it's decided… it is a good thing to masturbate (which I knew in my heart). It's a part of self care. It's a part of my self care. It may not be everyone's self care
.. but if it's not a part of yours already I highly recommend it.
Now, the question begs if the quality of the orgasm matters. I personally find that it does. If I don't actually get off from twiddling my clit I don't sleep as well. Of course, I don't always have an orgasm… we can't always be so lucky. So here are some super sexy tips I personally find to help me.
Try watching porn. It gets me in the mood when I'm having problems getting there with my imagination
I would try incorporating a toy into the mix. I suggest these guys.
Or…. 3) Try waking your partner up. You never know, they might be so appreciative of the extra time with you.
No matter what you decide to do, let's hope you have a good night's rest.